Blind Pilot - "New York"

Words // Adam Sharp
You know when you hear a song and it just stops you dead in your tracks? That’s what happened the first time I heard ‘New York’ by Blind Pilot. And the second. And the third. And just about every single time since. It is easily the most striking and gut wrenching song I’ve heard this year.
It all starts with that droning harmonium, drawing you in each time and laying down a subtle, heartbreaking foundation for the song. [Side question: is there a more understated way of evoking sadness in a song than with a harmonium? Discuss.] And then Israel Nebeker and that magnificent voice come in to tell the tale of being broken and trying to pick up the pieces from a failed love. The lines Nebeker has written are devastating because they are so relatable- we all know the hurt of being freshly alone, of waking one morning without that person stirring next to you, of wanting to be back together no matter how deep the hurt. There’s something, though, about that soaring last verse from Nebeker that feels a bit triumphant, as though all will eventually be well despite the hurt. But damn if it’s not a (beautiful) punch in the gut up to that point.
Blind Pilot released We Are The Tide today, and it goes without saying that you should find a way to get it in your collection as soon as possible. It’s not all as intense as ‘New York,’ but it’s all just as gorgeous. Enjoy.
Editor's note: Adam Sharp writes the fantastic blog songsfortheday, which I highly recommend you check out.
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