Great debuts, old favorites and other shit I missed

Words // Scott Pingeton
I started a new job about two months ago, and the irony of working for a music tech company is that I'm actually listening to less new music. That needs to change, and I intend it to as I get settled into the new grind...but over the last couple months I've fallen behind. Here's some of the stuff I missed that is well worth spending more time with.
Swear and Shake - These White Walls
I had been waiting to hear Swear and Shake's debut full-length for the better part of a year, and it doesn't disappoint. These White Walls is one of the catchiest songs I've heard all year, and the rest of the album features tender ballads, folky-pop gems and dueling vocals between Kari Spieler and Adam McHeffey.
Velah - Black Olympia EP
From the ashes of two much-loved Boston bands (Static of the Gods and The Acre), rises Velah. Their debut EP Black Olympia has garnered a lot of attention around town already, and for good reason. Rich layers of alternately shimmering and fuzzy electric guitars, soaring vocals and a thunderous rythm section coalesce in a tsunami of post-punk, shoegaze and noise pop bliss. Stream the entire EP below, get your copy here and catch them tonight at TTs.
Mount Eerie - Clear Moon
Songs that are as breathtaking in their understated beauty as a misty morning, a majestic sunset or a glassy mountain lake. Simple, organic and humming with life. This is a record that needs some time devoted to it, and I intend to do just that.