Kalispell - Last Year EP

Words // Scott Pingeton
New Years Resolution: Be better about reading emails + listening to artist submissions
Somewhere along the way, reading through the blog's email started to feel like a chore...most likely because I get more emails about dub-step remixes and wanna-be pop stars than stuff that I might actually listen to. As a result of all this riff-raff, some worthwhile emails fall through the cracks. That's what happened here. Lost in the abyss that is my email, was a polite and informative email from Kalispell's Shane Leonard. For the record it was flagged for closer inspection, but that rarely means that I'll actually go back and read it or listen to the music. In this case, I did actually go back, and I'm glad I did.
Kalispell is based out of Eau Claire, Wisconsin - a folk collective that features the songwriting of Shane Leonard, with accompaniment from members of S. Carey's and AA Bondy's bands. The instrumentation is subtle; just enough to paint a sonic landscape, but not enough to distract from the lyrics. Piano, fingerpicked guitar, brushed snare and Leonard's engaging stories. Now if I had only read the email sooner I, and maybe some of you, could have seen Kalispell in JP or Somerville last week. I guess the brief, three song Last Year EP will have to tide me over until the next time they make it to Boston.
Reader Comments (1)
Wow, this is some great stuff, thanks for sharing. Better late than never!