Manchester Orchestra Live at Lupos - Providence RI 5.13.11

By Todd Harrington
“This is not the Vans Warped Tour” singer Andy Hull called from the stage early in to Manchester Orchestras fourteen song set. Over zealous fans towards the front decided pogo dancing needed to roll in to a little more of a “mosh pit” during “Shake it Out”. Hull didn't stop the show, but made his point clear and the audience were then treated to a powerful set of music pulling from each of the bands three full length records.
The five piece made seemingly quick work of the songs, keeping banter to a minimum they kept their focus on the perfect and strong delivery of the songs. Keyboard and percussionist Christopher Freeman who was off to Hulls left would rotate through his instruments of keyboard, tambourine to floor tom with animated and spastic freak outs. Freeman and guitarist Robert McDowell would sing the harmonies and choruses when needed. Bassist Jonathan Corley held the stead bottom and was just as animated as the rest.
The Lupos crowd, smaller than expected, was ravenous and did what they could to give everything back to the band. Hull seemed a little distracted, or frustrated the theater didn't have anyone in the balcony. He shouted “how is everyone in the balcony??..oh yeah we didn't sell enough tickets”. Self-depreciating humor perhaps, but the band had the audience in the palm of their hand. The audience would clap, jump and sing along. “My Friend Marcus” was a giant sing along with fist pumps and accents on the downbeats.
Hull kept his humor. At one point some audience members close to the stage were clapping along and Hull looked at them (when the audience was not joining in) and said “well that is not going so well, so you can stop”.
The set seemed to end suddenly though. Hull had noted a few minutes before he was not going to do the song “I've Got Friends”. Instead the band jammed a few minutes and everyone left the stage for Hull and Freeman, who both then walked off. The band did not return and the lights came up. Even with the odd ending the band is well worth your time to check out. The rhythm section is very tight, Freeman is a blast to watch and Hull has a powerful and soaring vocal ability. This band is well worth your time. Catch them live now before the truth of their excellent live shows hit the masses.
Reader Comments (1)
They just posted a fan-made video for "Virgin"! Check it out: