New music: Maxim Ludwig & The Santa Fe Seven

Maxim Ludwig & The Santa Fe Seven might be the best country- rock band you don't know. Their soulful, dusty sound is what the E Street band might have sounded like if Springsteen kept driving down that "Rattlesnake Speedway in the Utah desert" and set up shop in Laurel Canyon, living out a sunny and stoned existence, far from the gray, smoke-stacked skies of northern New Jersey.
Maxim Ludwig isn't breaking new ground, but they join a rapidly growing corner of indie rock that is paying homage to the visceral classic rock of still-vital icons such as Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young. Highly recommended for fans of Phosphorescent, Dawes, early-MMJ and Gold/Cold Roses-era Ryan Adams.
"Stacy, C'mon" starts as weary-yet-upbeat pedal steel and organ shuffle before electric guitars enter for the singalong "na na na" chorus. Doo-wop backing vocals, distorted electric guitar and wailing harmonica bring the song to a crescendo, before fading out in an extended coda.
Maxim Ludwig & The Santa Fe Seven - Stacy, C'mon
Grab their entire discography for free here (!). And if you'll be down in Austin later this month, catch Ludwig & Co. at one of 4 SXSW showcases:
3/16 @ 3:30pm - SXSW Guitar Town/Conqueroo Party
3/17 @ 1:00pm - SXSW Music Fog @ Threadgill’s
3/18 @ 4:00pm - SXSW Sin City Party @ Maria’s Taco Xpress
3/18 @ 8:00pm - SXSW Official Hotel Cafe Showcase @ Ale House

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