Sounds from the Pacific Northwest

View of Doe Bay, home of Doe Bay FestWords // Adam Sharp
I'm not sure if you've noticed lately, but there's something insane happening out in the Pacific Northwest. Out amongst the pines and the terrain where rain comes from is one of the most vibrant and diverse music scenes going, with everything from folk to hip hop finding a place to grow and evolve. I spent a weekend out there last month at a small, amazing music festival called Doe Bay Fest, immersing myself in this incredible scene and coming away thinking that you'd be hard pressed to find another area of this country with as good of music coming out of it. I have, in short, become pretty obsessed with the music coming from the Northwest. While Fleet Foxes and The Head and The Heart are the names everyone knows, there’s a plethora of bands you’ve never heard of that I think are on the cusp of bursting onto your scene. Here are a few you should get familiar with now so you can be ahead of the curve later.
Pickwick - Pickwick is a band that borrows a little from old soul standards and smashes it together with some bouncy indie rock. What you get is something infectious and altogether fresh sounding. There’s no way you’re going to be able to stop your toes from tapping.
Lemolo - Lemolo makes what can be described as ‘dream-pop,’ but not that synthy stuff, but rather the kind of sweetly smooth music to have perfectly beautiful daydreams to. After seeing them play a small yoga studio overflowing with people, I have a feeling they are one break away from being huge.
Kelli Schaefer - I’m hesitant to describe Kelli Schaefer’s music in too much detail. See, I thought I knew what she was all about, but then I saw her live and basically got smacked in the face by the presence she brings with her when she sings her songs Now I’m just not sure. I know it’s great. I know it’s something that people need to hear. I know there’s a lot for people to discover, some deeper meanings and intense connections. I’m just not sure any labels do it justice.
Hey Marseilles - There’s this thing that always happens when I listen to ‘Rio’ by Hey Marseilles, where just after the handclaps I think I’m going to finally not like the song. Then I like it all the way through and press repeat. This has happened roughly 50 times in the last few months. There’s so much to love in the song, from Matt Bishop’s rich voice to the copious amounts of handclaps to the lovely strings. It’s all there for you to love.