Lady Lamb The Beekeeper Live at Brighton Music Hall 4.14.11

As I tend to do from time to time, I've kinda slept on Lady Lamb The Beekeeper (aka Aly Spaltro). I heard the praise, listened to the music but never really took the time to let it all take root. However, over the past couple months that's started to change. While researching and selecting songs for the Spring Mix, I started giving Mammoth Swoon some serious play. While I didn't ultimately select a Lady Lamb track for that mix, that was the tipping point...I guess that's when I finally got it. Now, Mammoth Swoon is a collection of outtakes and demos, but what it lacks in cohesiveness it more than makes up for with heart and glimpses of limitless potential. Scathing and visceral songs, sketches of pain cut with a youthful sweetness. Raw in all the best ways.
So, this brings us to Thursday night and a sold out Brighon Music Hall. There is simply no better pairing for Lady Lamb's angst-driven tales of romantic disappointment than Sharon Van Etten's less-angsty tales of romantic disappointment. As described by the night's headliner, it truly was a "night of strong women". The diminutive songwriter took the stage by herself and quieted the chattering crowd with the breathtaking acapella "Up In The Rafters". Breathtaking would actually be an apt description of the entire set. As Aly Spaltro bared her soul to a room full of strangers, we exchanged knowing glances and eyebrow raises - we were witnessing something pretty special. A dynamic vocalist, Spaltro whispers, croons and screams, on-key and off, all to great effect. Her voice is her weapon and she weilds it with deadly precision, or lack of precision...whichever the song or moment dictates. A jawdropping set from a rising star.
The entire set is available for stream or download below in incredible sound. As with the Sharon Van Etten recording, huge thanks goes to Dan Seiders on sound. Not to mention big thanks to Lady Lamb The Beekeeper and Brighton Music Hall. Enjoy!
Lady Lamb The Beekeeper
Brighton Music Hall - Boston, MA
April 14, 2011
Up In The Rafters
Bird Balloons
Between Two Trees
Little Brother
The Secret
Hair To The Ferris Wheel
Crane Your Neck
Full set download: mp3 zip